We Come In Peace, Shoot To Kill

Categories: uncategorized

Date: 14 May 2008 12:31:43

Today the Ministry of Defence (MOD) began releasing previously classified documents relating to sightings of UFO's. Now I know that many of you believe that there is no intelligent life anywhere in the Universe. With the
exception of my house, that of my parents, my sister's family and several of my friends - there is no other intelligent life in the Universe.

Many of these sightings can be explained as being aircraft, meteors, bright stars, planets and satellites. The MOD weren't concerned as they only evaluated the sightings as to whether or not they were threats to our national defence. Some of the sightings also tie in with flights by experimental British and American aircraft - especially fast jets.

The great bonanza in Sci-fi in the 50's led to a large increase in sightings of UFOs. Hollywood were happy to jump on the bandwagon by using UFOs as an analogy for the threat posed by communist infiltration - about as great a threat in numbers as there were confirmed UFO sightings. Just look at films like Invasion of the Bodysnatchers.

A 1999 survey found that 49% of Brits believe in life on other planets and that 29% believe that aliens have already visited Earth in flying saucers. Then you get the conspiracy theorists who are convinced that there are aircraft hangars containing flying saucers used for experimental by the US and UK government. How do you keep such a conspiracy secret for so long?

During the 1970's there was also a widespread belief that UFOs were actually angels come to visit Earth to teach us. Why that would involve the use of anal probes no one was able to say..... If they were real then why did they only visit rural America or unconvincing UK residents?

Personally I believe that intelligent life is as likely to be found elsewhere as Cardiff City getting to another FA Cup Final or Birmingham City being relegated from the Premiership.......

History Today:

1796 : Dr Edward Jenner adminsters the first smallpox vaccination, using pus from cowpox. Mmmmm!!!

1948 : The imperialist, colonial aggressors (UK) mandate for palestine ends and the state of Israel is proclaimed by Jewish groups. We'd found that Israel was not the "paradise" that we though it was. We learnt that you can't appease Arabs and Jews at the same time.

1955 : The Eastern European states, under the fraternal protection of the Soviet Union, sign the Warsaw Pact military alliance in response to the US/British imperialist, colonial agressors and their lackies in NATO. No Hungarian or Czech citizens were killed as a consequence of this, until later.