Measure your ecological footprint

Categories: uncategorized

Date: 25 January 2005 16:04:09

I'm sitting in the study trying to type and my fingers are so slow because it's very cold. I won't put the heating on until this evening because it's expensive so I'm wearing lots of layers and drinking tea, and I'm still cold. I'll have to go and get a duvet in a minute.

But before I do I just wanted to tell you about a brilliant website that allows you to calculate your ecological footprint (roughly anyway). There are approximately 2 global hectares of productive land per person available in the world, but some people live on the equivalent of a lot less, and some a lot more. The average amount, or footprint, in the US is 9 global hectares, in the UK it's 6. So the aim is to reduce this footprint to something more sustainable. I was quite pleased with the score we got (3), but there is still work to do. If those of us with overly large footprints all worked to reduce them there would be that much more for everyone else. The website also gives lots of ideas as to what to do. Give it a go!