
Categories: uncategorized

Date: 21 March 2011 15:54:17

I don’t seem to be doing very well on the blogging recently, it’s just that I feel that I have nothing to say, not that that usually stops me from wittering on. It just feels at the moment that while there is lots in life I am trying to get my head round, that talking about it will make no difference, and I’m not sure that some of it I am ready or want to share with the world. At the moment it’s a mixture of waiting for decisions which I can’t now influence to be made that will affect the whole future and until they are made I sit in limbo, and things that I’d like to change but can’t that I need to learn to accept. Maybe I’ll start being more prolific on my blog again, but maybe not we shall see. On the plus side I came across this video on youtube that made me smile. It reminds me that change is possible; it’s an advert for Beruit airport duty free. Beruit is a place that I grew up associating with war and death, it’s nice to see that something’s do change for the better.