
Categories: uncategorized

Date: 16 January 2011 17:12:06

A while ago I wrote this, which I guess lays out my thinking on how I interact with my various different friends. While I still stick with it, it is more important to love than to always get it right, but what happens when we are so busy trying to get it right for others, that we forgot to love ourselves as well as them? Sometimes it just feels like I need to be there for everyone else, and I worry about not being a good friend to them. When I was chatting to a friend the other day about things she commented “but don’t forget to look after yourself?” What exactly does that mean? I get my energy from people, but seem to manage to collect problems without really trying. I love my friends, and there is no way I wouldn’t be there for them, and while sometimes I’d love to be able to change their situations, I wouldn’t change them. But sometimes it just feels like I don’t how to do anything other than be there for others, that that is such a defining part of who I am. I don’t want to not be there for them, and I’d hate for them to feel that they can’t share with me what is going on, because if you don’t experience sorrows together then you can’t experience joy together. That all said I often feel like what is going on with me is insignificant compared to what others are dealing with, that “perspective” makes me keep it to myself. That combined with an impressive ability to not let what is going on, because “it’s not going to change anything anyway.” Means that sometimes I just feel that only my teddy understands! Having said all that I’m not sure that I would be that good at telling people what is going on anyway, so maybe it is better this way anyway!
Before certain people panic (you know who you are!) I’m just having a moment where I feel better for getting things out of my system!