
Categories: uncategorized

Tags: NaNoWriMo, History, Gender

Date: 30 September 2010 19:57:22

Lots of things should be happening in my world, instead I am getting excited (and nervous) about NaNoWriMo 2010. I think I will be following the main character who grows up being expected to be a traditional girl, and how this is expected to carry on into adulthood, until she meets someone who makes her re-think her world. This has set me thinking about how much we are ever who we are because of who we are, and how much is because of those around us? For example I had had a few ideas bouncing around in my brain, but this wasn’t really one of them. But I had had a “interesting” chat with a friend recently about gender, and how we develop our concept of gender (and how that effects our theology, view of God etc.) Am I therefore being influenced by others, and how much are others just bringing to the surface things that are buried in me? It’s reminded me to be careful to ensure that I’m being true to me, and not allowing others to change me from who I am. In this case I decided that it was just reminding me of something that was important to me that had maybe been buried by a few other things. I partly came to this conclusion as when I started to outline my plot I realised that the main character was very loosely based on my childhood, and the character that makes her re-think her world is loosely based on my great-aunt. It will be interesting to see what happens when I start however loosely with real characters.
In other news I have my essay back (I was amazed at how quickly it was back) and I got a lot better mark than I expected.