More questions than answers.

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Date: 10 September 2010 21:01:41

How do you make decisions? Does it depend on the decision? What have been your best and worst decisions? Did you learn anything from the way you made these decisions? How much choice do we have in these decisions? Do you believe in predestination or freewill? Is there a right way to make decisions? I’ve been thinking about how we make decisions both big and small. I like to think I make decisions logically. I think through what makes most sense, I make decisions based on head not heart decisions. Or at least that’s what I thought, until I started to analysis. Is it ever possible to make true head only or heart only decisions? Are they so interconnected that we can’t separate the two? All these questions led me to thinking, about what I believe about God and why. I can look at it logically, and looking at some of the evidence (that’s a volume of evidence as opposed to a burying head in the sand moment.) I can say that yes I believe in God and the set of beliefs that can broadly be defined as Christian. How much of that is to do with using the intellect and how much is that to do with my heart? Is any of that to do with me or is it all to do with God? I’m not happy with either way that thought goes. The more I read the more I realise that I can’t make the decision using my head. I also realise that words can be used to manipulate and change people, do I want this to happen to me and my thinking on God. Also what seems to make sense when you read it, and seems like a good argument for your beliefs can letter as your beliefs change, seem to make no sense. But if I base what I believe on how I feel what does that say about my beliefs, and how do they cope when I don’t “feel” God, when things go wrong. I need some how to get the balance between both heart and head when deciding on things. This applies to nearly everything we do, as I realised when I was booking travel arrangements and was trying to decide between heart or head for journey choice!