It's all about ME

Categories: uncategorized

Tags: Faith

Date: 19 February 2009 19:39:02

I’m feeling rather cynical at the moment. (Though less cynical than I did before a good night sleep!) I’ve been thinking about why we study the bible. It seems that we are obsessed with transformation of our self, it’s all about what is this passage saying to me, and how I need to change. WAKE UP, what is so important about me. What about how this passage should be applied to make me get up of my arse and make a difference to others lives, rather than how this massage can make me feel all warm and glowie inside coz Jesus is MY saviour. Even when we are actually put our faith into practice, we don’t link what we do in practice to the bible. How do I read the bible in search a way that I don’t just read it as an individual, but as part of the worldwide community, and that I then make a difference to the world, and stop worrying about it being all about me?