An open letter

Categories: uncategorized

Date: 22 January 2008 00:01:25

Dear Girl I Met A Few Weeks Ago,

Hello. Remember me? I'm sure you do; we met at that party, and we seemed to get on quite well. Then we ran into each other a few days later, and had a laugh and a joke, and then I think I may have taken the joke a bit too far. And now I keep seeing you about, in the supermarket last weekend, and on the train today, but I don't know what to say as I think I've freaked you out, and you appear to be ignoring me.

I'm sorry if I stepped out of line or made you feel uncomfortable. I just want to be friends with you, nothing more than that.

I know there's almost no chance that you'll ever see this, but I thought I'd say it anyway.

With grovelling apologies,