Keeping up with the Jones

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Date: 19 June 2008 21:38:39

At last, a night in. I've had stuff going on every evening, and in between there's been other stuff to sort out, like how I'm going to get to Richard's funeral (more on which when it happens next week).

My housemates and I had our first night out together on Monday (our most recent change of line-up was almost three months ago now, but we never seem to all be free at the same time). We went to see the new Indiana Jones movie. It took me a while to adjust to the idea of Indy being older and greyer, but aside from the slightly daft first twenty minutes and the nauseatingly cheesy final scene, it was most enjoyable. There's been talk of more sequels, but given that Harrison Ford can't go on forever, we wondered whether they'll start a new franchise around his sidekick Mutt...

As for my "confused and disorientated" state the other day... Well, let's just say that the last seven days, and in particular the last 24 hours, have made me re-evaluate some stuff. And now I face a few challenges, but I'm up for it and rather excited to boot. No doubt as things develop there, I shall tell you more (maybe in less vague terms than I am now; or maybe not. That's just the chance you take with reading my blog).