FAQ's (well, maybe just AQ's)

Categories: uncategorized

Date: 31 October 2006 20:49:37

Thanks for the swift and warm welcomes, it's nice to be so enthusiastically welcomed into the Wibworld. And thanks to the Ship of Fools folks who've popped by for a nosy look at what I'm up to here - you're more than welcome too.

So to your questions:

Jack the Lass - One of the key reasons behind coming to the Wibsite was that certain relatives of mine also have Wiblogs (I'm sure they'll pop out of the woodwork any moment to make disparaging comments about me). But probably the main reason was that I love the community aspect of this - the fact that so many people read each other's blogs, support and pray for each other. You don't get that on most blog sites.

Farli - My favourite jam is strawberry, though I'm also quite partial to raspberry and blackcurrant jams - not so much of a fan of citrus fruits. No particular reason, just my taste buds enjoy the experience more.

Alice - When I was 3 I lived in Cambridge. Well, actually in a village a few miles outside of Cambridge. It was quite nice when I was a child; personally, I think it's a bit of a dump now, and is gradually being turned into an out-of-town shopping centre by a certain large supermarket chain who shall remain nameless (but it sounds like Wesco). I don't live there anymore, but I go back from time to time to see my parents and friends.

If anyone's just found this and still has questions, go ahead and ask, I'll be happy to answer them (well, unless it's, "What's your bank account number, sort code and identification password?"). In the meantime, I'm going to think of something to blog about.