Darling, I'm home!!!

Categories: uncategorized

Date: 04 February 2007 19:29:46

OK, so I'm not the first, but if I'm quick I also won't be the last. I've raced here to post my version of this weekend's events, only to find Auntie D has beaten me to it. That said, her version of what happened is pretty accurate (and her explanation of why our journey took so long is more accurate than the one you'll hear from Spike WHO WASN'T ACTUALLY THERE AT THE TIME), so I'll say no more on that. Other than, I only tend to make those kind of mistakes once, so it shouldn't happen again.

Actually, come to think of it, I don't really have much to add to what AD blogged, other than I had a crap journey back on a train which was standing room only (or no room whatsoever for the last ten minutes as a woman with no common sense managed to not stand in a space while making it impossible for me to move into it instead). I'll come back and blog when I've processed my thoughts. Meanwhile, don't believe the words of false prophets... :p