Edumacational Corner

Categories: uncategorized

Date: 23 October 2007 22:27:03

This evening I have discovered that rhubarb is neither a fuit nor a vegetable, but is in fact a herb. (Although since this revelation came from Wikipedia, I'd take it with a pinch of salt. Not that rhubarb and salt go together very well...)

Anyway, in unrelated news: Apologies for the lack of blog action in the last week or so. This is for various reasons including:

- hectic social life;
- time-consuming creative project;
- extreme tiredness;
- difficulty putting anything blogworthy into words;
- having nothing much to tell you about except stuff I think it best not to tell you about.

Anyway, just to forewarn you that many of the above (particularly the first two) may prevent me from adding much for the next week or so. But we'll see.

In other other news, my plan to not even think about Christmas until December 1st, has been somewhat wrecked by work needing me to confirm what time off I'll want over the festive season, and whether I'm going to the office Christmas meal this year. So I've had to think about those questions already, and thus Christmas has now started in my head. Poo. Still, could be worse; one of my colleagues went past a house yesterday which already had its lights up...