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Date: 28 September 2008 19:35:17

I read other peoples wiblogs and often laugh at those people who are students (whether full or part time) who are blogging instead of writing their essay/dissertation/thesis or whatever. I know they are only blogging to put off what needs to be done, which is of course the coursework that is already overdue.

Well, now the joke's on me. You may remember (if you've been paying attention) that I enrolled on a course for the study of liturgy, the outcome of this (hopefully) will be the Archbishops' Certificate in Public Worship.

Well, I've been thoroughly enjoying it. The lectures were fascinating. I've been reading some very interesting stuff in preparation for my essays. And here's where the problem arises. The essays. I've never been that good at getting organised to sit down and write the damn things. I'm the same when it comes to writing sermons - they tend to get left until the last minute as well.

The art of writing a sermon is something like this:

I sit down at my desk and stare at an empty computer screen. How long I do this for depends on just how last minute I've left it. I then go downstairs and make a cup of tea. I then return to my desk. Then I decide, I'll just spend a few minutes on the Ship. An hour later, I realise that I really ought to be doing some work, so I return to the blank screen that is my sermon. It's at this stage I remember something really important that needs doing like writing a birthday card for my sister. (OK, her birthday's months away yet, but best to get it out of the way now). After this physical exertion I need another cup of tea. After various other procrastinatory (is that a word?) deeds, I finally get around to writing something coherent for the congregation.

Well that's what I'm doing now. One essay is now complete, but I'm still only 2000 words into a 5000 word essay about the use of psalms in Christian worship. It's a fascinating subject. It's just that I did say I'd get it submitted last week and, even then, I'd been granted an extension.

Ho hum, I'm procrastinating again. I really must get back to my essay. Yes! That's exactly what I'm going to do! Right now! Well, first I'm going to write this year's Christmas cards, but then I'm definitely going to do some work...