The Fifth Housemate

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Date: 13 July 2008 16:07:19

On Thursday we got a kitten. We'd done the grown up thing and decided to get an adult cat as we didn't know that we could look after a kitten, as they need more love and attention than an adult cat, but the neighbor of one of our friends found a tiny kitten in a warehouse and couldn't look after it. So now we have a 6 week old ball off fluff who ignores the name Kerfuffle. At the moment she is sitting on my windowsill gazing out at the outside world.

It's been a bit manic since then - not only have we had a new kitten in the house, but we've had 4 extra people staying her for the last 4 days, and on monday night 4 more come for graduation. It's a good job that my family live close enough to do a day trip otherwise we'd have to find beds for 8 people.

It's fun though, and I am graduating on Wednesday, and then working for a year with a teaching agency and then doing a PGCE in Religious Education in York starting in 2009.

It's all rather good really.