Book Stuff

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Date: 11 June 2007 00:37:54

I got an email from Jonny the other day about publicity for my book. This scares me. But what scares me more is that we have a slot in New Forms 1 where I will be expected to stand up and read some poems or liturgies.

Now, anyone who knows me knows that I DO NOT read things that I have written. I give them to other people to read. I am fine reading from a script, or even blagging around a topic but I do not read what I've written. I get all self concious and embarrased and just generally hate it.

I suspect I'll be bad at the whole publicity thing. I suppose I want people to buy my book because it gets me money. But I don't want people to buy my book because then they might read it...

This is all much more complicated than I first thought.