Forty Days of Left Behind - Part Eight

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Date: 13 September 2007 14:15:54

Day 35

I've just finished the second to last book. I've only got one to go now.

During this book, there was more preaching about how much God Loves everyone, more plauges and judgements poured out on the earth, and two more main characters died. Oneof them was Chloe, and one of them was either Buck or Rayford. Oh, and the Antichrists armies are massing at Jeruselum (still no mention of the Muslims living in the Old City or Palestine) and Petra (no Muslims there either - in fact...the only Muslims we've met in the books were in China...not Iraq or Jordan). And Jesus is about to rush in on a shining white horse and fight the bad guy and usher in a millenium of something. I'm not too sure what...