What a week!

Categories: uncategorized

Date: 13 June 2004 15:37:27

Well, probably a bit more than a week...


there are several things i feel i should share.

1) I am leaning to play the piano. I played the first four bars of a piece by Bach this morning. the most memorable quote was "that was really nice...but it wasn't what you were meant to play". It's hard reading two lines of music at once

2) Exams have started, one down 6 to go.

3) I seem to have an ability to break any piece of photographic equipment I can get my hands on. current score 1 manual camera (my OM10) and one digital camera (now mended, not mine).

4) I'm going to talk about my faith crisis today, only now that I have the chance to talk about it I'm not sure if I need to. Great.

5) We are watching the Chruch Of Fools service after our Visions service tonight. And through no fault of my own I seem to be the techy person. Great. If it all goes wrong it'll be my fault!

Should be a fun evening!