
Categories: uncategorized

Date: 31 October 2005 23:48:21

Jonny is on trial tommorrow for activist related stuff, I've spent the evening worrying, panicing and generally blowing things out of proportion. Texts along the lines of "so how many years did he get sent down for" did not help. Even though I know that it was a joke.

My problem is that I know he's innocent, trust him completely, but feel that I can't support him as I tend to freak out at anything even remotely violent. And i consider possesion of an offensive weapon violent. Even though it wasn't his, and he wouldn't hurt a fly. But still I freak. And then feel crap for freaking and feel i'm not trusting him.

I'm not going to court, mainly due to lack of funds - my student loan hasn't come yet.

I have been invited to spend a day at a friends tommorrow to stop me from worrying, but at the moment all i want to do is sleeep.....
