Men only have one thing on their minds...

Categories: uncategorized

Date: 06 February 2004 08:47:20

This we all know.

In D's case, it's 'The Wheels on the Bus'. He can't speak much, but he's almost got the rhythm and he's great at the actions! But you have to let him sing it:- 'I sing it!' is getting clearer by the day, adn letting him have his way on this does at least stave off a tantrum.
I wouldn't mind, but 'Twinkle twinkle little star' (Rs favourite to sing while walking to school) is going the same way...

R is starting to agree with me - the other day she asked for a drink while I was washing up. I jokingly said 'you're lucky I'm so nice!' Now in the past she has ignored this, but this time she turned to me with a big grin and said 'yes!' Hooray!

You're all lucky I'm so nice!