My Farm Day

Categories: uncategorized

Date: 10 March 2005 00:44:29

My boyfriend and I went swimming yesterday morning. I am very much a morning person and he isn't so I arrived at the pool about 20 minutes later than I was planning. I only managed to get in about 4 laps before I had to leave but I was so happy that my boyfriend came with me.

My new friend than picked me up from the pool and we drove the 45 minute drive to the farm. A bit of a freaky coincidence but I had actually been to the farm before, on an archaeological course trip to look at the old railway that runs through the property.

Had morning tea with new friend's grandmother (who owns the property) then I drove the 1 tonne ute out to the newly-ploughed paddock. We had to pick up all the large rocks that had been turned up. This was quite a big task. I drove the tractor for most of the time and we had to heave the rocks into the bucket. I enjoyed driving the tractor immensly, it was like a big Tonka Truck and I drove it around unloading it when the bucket was full of rocks.

Then drove back to the house for lunch.

We then drove around the paddocks (I acquired a blood wound from unlatching a gate that was close to barbed wire) looking for a supposed dead sheep. We found it, it had been dead a was VERY smelly. I left the job of getting the dead sheep into the back of the ute to my new friend. We then checked the rest of the sheep and put the dead sheep in the offal pit.

Back to the house for afternoon tea and then I got a lift back home.

Woke up feeling a bit sore this morning from the all the physical activities I did but I still love the farm!