
Categories: uncategorized

Date: 04 April 2005 02:49:21

Have I come up with the worst bout of Mondayitis? I was up at 3am with the most incredibly sore throat. I took some Nurofen and then remembered you shouldn't have them on an empty stomach so I stayed up watching Six Feet Under while I ate a muffin and had some honey and lemon tea.

Now I just feel absolutely rotten and we have a house inspection tomorrow which means hours and hours of cleaning (I'm sure it didn't help that I sneezed and my throat started to bleed slightly). Argh.

It's nearly 12pm and I have decided to call in sick.

On an absolutely fantastic note, one of my friends who reads my wiblog is having dinner with me this Friday. I am praying that I will be 100% healthy by then because I don't want to infect her with anything. Apparently she couldn't pass up the offer after reading some of my dinner party menus. Now I just have to live up to her expectations......