Mission for Today

Categories: uncategorized

Date: 11 November 2006 10:15:40

(hmmm, that title sounds like something from the shelves of SPCK ...)

I'm planning to have a good autumn clear-out at home today. It's long overdue, and I'm motivating myself with the fact that I've booked Tuesday off work, and if I can get sorted over the weekend I will use that day to go shopping and possibly to see a film, whereas if I waste the weekend I'll have to do the cleaning on Tuesday. The problem is, of course, that I have these good intentions most Saturdays, and then end up just having a little while doing what I'd actually like to do on Saturday morning (read and play on the Interweb), and then the little while becomes a longer while, and the day dribbles away.

So it's off to work now, and I'll update during the day ...

ETA, I'm now hesitating in actually hitting the 'save' button, and mentally reviewing all sorts of things I really NEED to do on the net. Right, it's 10.15am and I'm off!