It begins...

Categories: uncategorized

Date: 02 May 2007 09:44:29

Well, this is the begining of a new era...the first time I've ever blogged, and as far as I'm aware, the first time Scargill has ever had a blog too...

I'm Muriel, and I came to join the community here in North Yorkshire a couple of months ago. Already I've discovered that it's very hard work to be remain focused and aware of everyone else living around you, and especially of our guests, who extend our community during their stays here on courses, conferences, holidays etc.

The plus side is that there is a huge sense of welcome here, as well as a bit of space and time to find out who you are really growing into. This is a Christian community in a fairly loose sense of the word (no jokes please) - we have an ethos which grows firmly from the Christian tradition, but we conciously aim to expand our awareness and welcome of other faiths - and those people who have none, but who nevertheless may be searching and questioning their spiritual longings.

This means that on any given evening at dinner you might be talking about anything from feeding babies to atonement theory, the practicalities of Halal food to where a person can buy a pair of insoles in the wilds of Yorkshire. It keeps life interesting.

And when all the sociability gets a bit much, there's a lot of grounds to spend some time with yourself and God; or, you know, even the Chapel...