
Categories: work

Tags: interviews

Date: 09 October 2008 14:06:08

Well thank you very much for all the comments/text messages/facebook messages etc, t'is one of the things I love about this little community, is feeling like you've got people around you even when many of them are far far away.

Anyway, the interview went either very well or not very well, depending on which bit you look at. There were tricky techy questions on the bits I didn't think I knew enough about (turns out I was right!) which weren't so great. I haven't heard anything from them yet but I kinda knew when I walked out of there. But it wasn't one of those 'dammit I should have said such and such' or 'if I'd just read up on that first' moments, if I don't know it, I don't know it, end of story. I have, with the exception of a couple of moments last night, been fairly ok with it. It wasn't *the* ideal job, I learnt more about it during the interview and maybe it wasn't right for me as well as me not being right for it. Its more the fact that it was a job, in the right place.

Ho hum, there'll be others, and we'll get there, eventually.