
Categories: uncategorized

Date: 08 November 2004 22:19:15

Why is it that the word has so many negative associations? Why is it that, especially for people of a certain age and situation, that the thought of not being in a relationship automatically seems tied up with not fitting in, with being the odd one out, Bridget Jones-style. We are, in some way, made to think that singledom is the least favourable option, that we must, to be avoided if possible, and far from the ideal.
Now, don't get me wrong, I aspire to the idea of marriage and family as much as any woman (or man, don't want to be sexist here), but at some times, the right thing, the ideal, is to be free and single, to be your own person, not because there isn't a better alternative, but because it is the best thing for now. 'For everything there is a season'.
I do surprise myself with how easily all this is coming, and of course its ok in theory, the practice is much trickier. But writing it down helps to remind me that its ok, that what I'm doing is right, and that it needn't always be a negative.