End of an era?

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Date: 07 February 2005 23:44:48

Tomorrow is our Hiking Club AGM, and I will (at long last) be standing down, completely, from the committee. This is a strange exerience considering I've been a part of this committee (in various guises) since early on in my first year.

I joined the hiking club committee as a naive young fresher (!) in October 2001 as a first year rep, before being elected as chairman (yes, scary responsible-type-role, don't know who thought that was a good idea!) the following February, and I've been there ever since. Sad? Maybe. Hanger-on? Possibly? Worthwhile? Absolutely, without a doubt. I know for sure that my time at university would have been completely different were it not for the hiking club! I've made some of my closest friends through it, seen a lot more of the country I wouldn't have otherwise, and learnt a lot about myself and others. I've arranged meetings, booked accommodation, bullied people into leading walks, taken minutes, and sent who knows how many emails! So it's sad to say goodbye to a significant time of my life, and move on. It will finally hit when someone else is sending me the weekly emails (which I've done for the past 2 years) and when I can go on a walk and not worry when (sorry, IF) we get lost!!!

To any readers who've been involved with the club over the past three years, thank you. For help and encouragement, for enjoying it with me, and for some great times. You know who you are, thank you.