
Categories: life

Tags: vegging

Date: 04 August 2008 18:28:33

What do you do...

...when you only have tonight, cos tomorrow and the night after you're going to be up all night working. When you know you should get on with some of the things that need doing, cos then you'll feel more productive come the end of the night/tomorrow. When you know you should make something good for you for dinner, cos you have food in the fridge and tomorrow and the night after you're away and its going to be pub food.

But actually, if this is the time you get, then all the sensible 'I should eat sensibly and get on with the to do list' thinking isn't really that tempting. What you really want to do is put a pizza in the oven, open a bottle of wine and put a film on.

The likelihood of situation A happening in comparison to situation B? Sometimes what you need to do is veg out. Maybe that should be on the to do list.