It just gets worse

Categories: uncategorized

Date: 22 June 2009 22:36:30

Apparently, my MP "didn't feel safe" coming back to West Ham after late night sittings in the House.

So you'll leave your constituents to fight off the muggers as best they can, will you, Lyn? You remember your constituents, don't you? Those people who voted for you because they believed your bright promises about caring for the area, and fighting to get West Ham designated an Inner London borough because of the benefits it would bring (whatever happened to that, by the way? Seems to have dropped off your radar, for some reason. Couldn't be because you discovered that you'd no longer be eligible for Second Homes Allowance if West Ham's designation was changed, could it? Surely not), and how crime and education would be top of your priority list...

I suppose I should be grateful that (a) she rented the flat and (b) she shared it with another MP, and (c) we don't appear to have been subsidising her bath plugs and moat cleaning, but surely to God it's not beyond the Fees Office to have a couple of cab accounts for the use of MPs after late night sittings?