Oooooh, I wouldn't like to have his head in the morning.

Categories: life-and-musings

Date: 23 February 2009 22:54:03

Wombling my way home from the station, I looked up and thought "that's a bit odd. There appears to be a pair of feet sticking out of the hedge." Closer inspection revealed it was not some new variety of tree requiring the urgent attentions of the nice people at Kew Gardens, but a man, passed out with his feet in the air, being resolutely ignored by everyone else nearby.

On reflection, this may have been a clue.

"Are you OK, mate?" I asked, shaking his arm.


"Are you OK? Do you need a hand? Do you need me to call an ambulance?"


"Can you tell me your name?"


"Look, if you don't come up with something more coherent in the next ten seconds, I'm calling an ambulance."

"Gis a kiss."


"Len' me a fiver?"

"No." [Thinks: "I've got some Polish Zloty and a skirt button off my right-on fair trade denim skirt, neither of which will get you very far round here."]

And then he pinched my bum and tried to grab my mobile phone so I left him to it.

Deary me. "Whatsoever you do to the least of these," and all that, but I bet Our Blessed Lord never grabbed anyone's bum, slurred "'ello gorgeous," and then staggered off to widdle against the wall of the Social Services offices.