The Residents of Rosamundiville are...

Categories: ramblings

Date: 24 January 2007 12:31:49

...with one notable exception* completely barking mad.

"Ooooh!" squeaks one woman as she tottered off to the station, "I'm really cold!"

"Well, I'm not surprised," thinks me, uncharitably. "You're wearing ballet pumps, no tights, a pair of denim shorts, a denim jacket you've not even had the brains to button up, a thin t-shirt, no hat, scarf or gloves. There's an inch of snow on the ground, and you're cold. This comes as a shock how?" Ballet pumps. To walk through slush. Mad.

And none of them have read the "how to drive in the snow" section of the Highway Code. Or, indeed, switched on the "how to walk in the snow" section of their brains.

Off to John Lewis this evening to buy the yarn for this season's hat (last season's, being as how it's in two shades of grey and a dark red, does not really go with this winter's chocolate brown coat). Debbie Bliss does a cashmere/something mix, so I shall buy dark brown, neutral, and something else - there's a browny purply sort of colour that's rather nice.
