thoughts... and bread

Categories: uncategorized

Tags: W.I.S.E., friends, rambles

Date: 17 November 2008 03:18:04

So an old friend gave me some Amish Friendship bread, er, well - she gave me the 'starter' for Friendship Bread... here's the friendship bread story w/ recipe ... it's dough in a bag, and each day I'm supposed to do something special with it.  So I waited 3 extra days to get started on the whole baking process.  it's yummy bread, but for the effort I'd rather make chocolate-chocolate chip cookies or something.

I'm doing ok - thank you, everyone, for your kind comments below... I'm sad, but it was the right decision (at least i think it was... yes, it was.. right?) I'm second-guessing myself (remembering the good things)  and continue to remind myself: the things that were not going well were fundamental, basic, major, foundation-building things... and all the wanting & wishing in the world couldn't change those things, especially if both of us didn't see them.  He was a near miss... and I'm going to be ok - that drumbeat is still in my heart... 'everything is going to be just fine'

Am home sick (thank you to Facebook friends who sent well wishes already!) this weekend & into Monday... but look forward to being a bit more functional tomorrow - been sleeping a fever away most of today.  Already have a list for tomorrow... need to cross a few things off.

I'm headed to a work conference in Chicago, Illinois USA later this week - some colleagues and I are taking the train... train travel isn't as common here as it is in Europe, so I'm really excited about the trip (and not having to deal with the headache of having a car in downtown Chicago!).  We'll be gone from Wednesday - Saturday... just in time to be home on Sunday - to get the grocery shopping done for Thanksgiving!!!

I love Thanksgiving, but I do *not* love grocery shopping the week of Thanksgiving... the grocery stores are a madhouse :P

I'll write more later - I've missed the first 15 minutes of Brothers & Sisters... yikes!

W.I.S.E. hint: my exchangee is very well read...