
Categories: uncategorized

Date: 19 March 2008 13:53:25

my stomach is in knots... not sure if it's because my week-long break from work is 1/2 way over, if it's because I'm a Planner and I spend time with lots of Spontaneous folks, if it's because my taxes are not finished, or if it's the bowl of coffee ice cream w/ hot chocolate sauce from last night. Any one of these will cause one's stomach to be a bit floopy.

In the past few days, I've had the chance to reconnect with several dear friends, which has been a huge blessing. Sometimes I don't think I'm able to balance work/home life with much finesse... as both are necessary, and when there isn't a balance, things get a bit off kilter.

it's not much, but it is what it is... thank you for stopping by :)