Q & A: How to Assemble a Gas Grill

Categories: uncategorized

Date: 16 October 2006 00:53:33

Is it dark outside? Yes.

Did you finish assembling the grill? No.

Were you able to get past the point noted in the last blog? Yes. I took a hammer to the irregular piece to re-shape it... and then I took a hammer to another part, too...just because I wanted to.

Did that fix it? Well, that certainly let me move from Step 3A to Step 3B.

Did you utilize increased strength by closing your vocal folds and increasing subglottal pressure, and then release? Yes, "grunting" was involved.

Was the grunting lady-like? Hardly.

Are you hungry? Starving.

Will you still be able to grill some food this evening? DON'T. ASK.

Are you out of your little snit from an hour ago? Perhaps. However, please note that my patience threshold has been reached and exceeded at some point already this evening.

Do you think you'll purchase an "Assembly Required" piece of outdoor equiptment again any time soon? No. As a matter of fact, it would be worth an extra $100 to purchase a grill that was already assembled and have it delivered.

What are your thoughts on the future of your new gas grill? Honestly, I think we need some time apart. I'll be working long hours this week, and I'm going to let the grill sit, by itself, in the garage to consider the consequences of its behavior. Hopefully, at some time in the future, I can revisit the possibility of having a functional gas grill. As a matter of fact, I look forward to that day. However, I will need some moral support to serve as a impartial party to help me and the grill work out our differences.