Christmas shopping already??!

Categories: uncategorized

Date: 21 October 2006 03:54:12

Yes, I've just gotten home from a looooooooong afternoon of holiday shopping.

I've got Mom's b-day in 2 weeks, and my poor brothers are both within a week of Christmas... then Dad's is in early Feb, and new sister-in-law soon after. Then that starts the 2 March b-days for niece and nephew... with additional nieces' b-days in the months to follow...

SO, the plan today was to start shopping... and I think I may have found the majority of gifts! Mostly on sale.... now, in Nov and Dec, I can actually decorate, do crafts, BAKE, and make things... because I won't be running around like a chicken with my head cut off....because I shopped for holiday presents well in advance.

Now, to do this in an organized fashion... I plan to take some time tomorrow to make an MS Excel spreadsheet of the people & gifts I've purchased for them. This will help me be organized and not run around like said chicken (see above). ...and, I'm worried if I wrap them too early I won't remember what I purchased - the spreadsheet will help.

Got word from Mom re: Dad's health. Yes, surgery is the only option. Thank you ee
for the wonderful suggestion... we should be allowed to request a new body. What a lovely idea. And you worded it so nicely... in your British manner of speaking. I wonder if G-D has a British accent? ...perhaps HE can code switch easily... you know, change accents/language/dialect depending on his conversation partner(s). Perhaps...

I just purchased 3 six-packs of wine coolers (um, actually it was 4)... I'm ready for the weekend. I'm planning to kick back a few, eat some pizza, watch some television...and vegg out. Down time. much needed time to simply be. tomorrow can be productive. but tonight, there's nothing on the agenda. yae.

take care - be well,