Have to be smart tomorrow

Categories: uncategorized

Date: 18 November 2003 21:16:47

Got to go to bed in a minute, cos I have to be up nice and early tomorrow for graduation ceremony. Have to be up well before Tom leaves for work, because I've only worn a tie once in the last six years, and I can't remember how to tie one. Hopefully everything will be fine, and my parents and brother will get here on time. I think it's quite important for my mum especially, she's looking forward to it and worrying in case anything goes wrong. Goodness knows what she'll be like if I ever get married.

My attempt at NaNoWriMo (http://www.nanowrimo.org) seems to have failed rather dismally, as I haven't written anything since about day 3. My brother, on the other hand, is about 23000 words in. I may end up doing what I did all the way through school (and college, and uni) and do ridiculous amounts of work just before the deadline. Think writing 50000 words is a bit beyond me though.

Food then bed.

Paul W