Gah! Almost a month of not updating again!

Categories: uncategorized

Date: 13 September 2004 13:55:28

Greenbelt was great. Went to some good seminary talky bits (Shane Claiborne, Jeffrey John, Joanna Jepson) half decent music bits (Julie Lee, others that I can't remember) and other fun and/or moving bits (Mike Yaconelli memorial and quiz, Rev. Gerald Ambulance). And just generally enjoyed spending time with friends in the bar and Tiny Tea Tent.

Have been working lots since then (every day in September so far). Will have next weekend off to go and see my brother, as he's off to America for three months to see his girlfriend.

Amazingly, am still managing to keep up with that read-the-bible-in-one-year thing. Almost 40 days in now, from what I remember. See, I can keep some things up. Just not blogs.

Paul W