2 days in to "Robot Teacher Training"

Categories: uncategorized

Date: 29 September 2010 17:46:03

And I'm bloody knackered.

Luckily first day we didn't have Observer in, so although we were fairly Robotic, we weren't fully. However, today we have tried hard to include all of the the relevant aspects. We have WALTs, SIs, smiley's for every single lesson. Our transitions are within the set time limit and we have used our allocated TPs. We have had zero tolerance for any behaviour of any kind whatsoever, whether it was intentional or not on the part of the action-er. I have ensured my TA is on task at all times (and is following her SG/1:1 plan), and tried to monitor issues discussed in PSCHE.

Tomorrow I will return to 6 sets of work to mark (in pink and green, with EBIs and NSs) and transfer successful AFs to APP grids, planning / displaying of WALTs and SIs for day, pre-visit forms to complete and send to the EVC for trips which aren't mine, IEPs to review, and no doubt more - all before the day begins at 8.50am with EW, a Governor observation and reporting about the SIP.