Praying the Ignatian Way

Categories: theology-philosophy

Date: 18 March 2010 20:53:35

... didn't work!! To be able to do it, you need time and the ability to sit still, be focussed and empty your mind of crap. Sadly it would appear I am unable to do this! I think it's something that I might like if I were on retreat or something, but in normal every day life, it just isn't going to happen!! It's interesting also how much of the 'pictures' I was seeing in my mind from the passage I was reading (the one where they lower the paralysed man through the roof) were very 'traditional' images of Jesus and the setting. Presumably through too many 'bible story books' when I was younger! It's very difficult to picture anything else when you're trying to see a culture / time which is so different and which you know very little about (apart from the 'traditional' pictures in story books!). It's definitely something I'd like to try again one day, but one day when I have something of a brain to focus with and the time to empty my mind (which I reckon would take at least a couple of days!!!!).