Oh Miffy...

Categories: uncategorized

Date: 16 October 2005 19:31:54

...why didn't I listen to what you said about banana poo?!?!? She did by far the fullest nappy she's ever ever done today. Mushy stuff. All squidging out the top of the nappy. All over everything. Not one single bit of the nappy was free of poo. And that was only with very small bits of banana. Amazing!

We all sat down to dinner today - she sat in her high chair, and we at the table. She was going to wait until we'd finished to have hers, but she was being impatient. She loves her food. :)

I wanted to go to sleep at church this morning. I really didn't want to go to church at all, but I had to take stuff for Sunday school, and also had to have my photo taken (eek). The sermon seemed to go on and on. And most of it seemed to be just stating the obvious. Although he did say one worthwhile thing. I don't ever listen to sermons, but all the Sunday school leaders and helpers turned up so I had no excuse to go out of the service! And if it's an evening service (when I'm in the choir), I play on my PDA, but with Alien, I can't easily play on it.

Right, I'm off on a chocolate mission now. Socks and I both fancy chocolate, so I'm just hoping that the garage is open this time on a Sunday night.