Of websites and things

Categories: uncategorized

Date: 29 March 2009 22:49:22

Time, as it is wont to do, is moving on. And although I have precisely no time, I'm going to tell you about a few things I'd like to do with the Wibsite. Maybe by posting this here I'll find some time to actually do some of this. Here's my might-do list:

  1. Fix the login thing so you don't have to log in again to use the boards.

  2. Create some form of advertising system so that those Wibloggers who wish to support the running of the Wibsite can put some unobtrusive adverts on their blogs. No pressure at all.

  3. Potentially redesiging the site. I get the feeling, though I may be wrong, that the way the main Wibsite looks doesn't "feel" right. It was a radical departure from the old look, but maybe too radical. Some feedback on that would be appreciated.

  4. Think of a point number four.

So, is there anything else you'd like to see? Consider this a call for agenda items for the Wibsite Parishoners Annual General Meeting.