Something love-themed

Categories: community

Date: 14 February 2011 13:04:12

At least a handful of wibloggers will know that two of our number recently got married. It really was a special day and the service reflected the fact that they are two people who really care what is shared and said in worship. As such, when they asked me to write the intercessions I was more than a little intimidated by the prospect, however I eventually got there and was quite pleased with the result.

I asked the groom if it was okay to blog these and he said it was, so here are my prayers for their wedding.

God who is love, and who is encountered through love,
we hope and trust and pray
in your enfolding presence.
Love is that which brings strength, companionship and wholeness,
We pray for C and S
as their partnership is blessed and united in your name.
May they find in the arms of one another,
the strength, companionship and wholeness
that comes in your love.
We pray in hope
and join our love with yours.

Love is that which brings justice, wisdom and integrity.
We pray for those whose daily lives
involve leadership, power and governance
that they may be honourable and generous servants.
May they find in your teaching
the justice, wisdom and integrity of your love.
We pray in hope
and join our love with yours.

Love is that which brings creation, new life and beauty.
We pray for your creation and all who work as its stewards
That they may find the best ways to ensure a healthy
world for these and future generations of your people.
May we see in your world and its residents your creating, living beauty.
We pray in hope
and join our love with yours.

Love is that which heals, liberates and transforms.
We pray for those whose understanding of love
is tinged by isolation, uncertainty or pain,
that these stories will reach out and teach us how to respond
in your love which heals, liberates and transforms.
We pray in hope
and join our love with yours.

Love is that which is universal, unending and ever present.
We pray for those who cannot be here today
but are with us in our hearts and our thoughts.
We spend a few moments calling them to mind.
May they be blessed and loved, as we are by them,
and may we all encounter a love
universal, unending and ever present.
We pray in hope,
and join our love with yours.

Love is that which is timeless, enduring and faithful,
we pray for communities of faith across the world.
giving thanks especially for the groups and places where C and S have encountered your love,
May we share in the fellowship of your Church throughout the ages
by saying the words Jesus taught us:

© J Merrygold 2011