Pyjamas, Tin Foil and Borrowers

Categories: oop-norf

Tags: housing

Date: 26 August 2004 23:06:24

I live in a small flat with four rooms but it seems to be ample space for very large borrowers. Since this morning I've lost the third and final pyjama top. I've only lost one set of pyjama trousers so what is it with the tops? It must be somewhere with the tin foil as I left that on the table but I can't find it.

None of these things seem to be where they're supposed to be, or even in the washing, the fridge, the cupboards, the bathroom cabinet, in the duvet cover or pillow cases, under the throws or down the side of my bed. They haven't fallen out of the window and mum hasn't taken them home. I'm very confused about it all.

What's even worse is I'm sure they'll turn up somewhere really sensible.