Categories: convent, holidays, oop-norf

Tags: holiday, housing

Date: 08 October 2004 00:50:46

I'm currently in an interesting situation with my bank. They've stopped by bank card as they've sent me a new one - or so they think! They contract a courier company to deliver the cards securely and expect the company to get proof of identity and a signature from the person receiving the card which is understandable but they can't find me. I ordered a bank card almost 5 weeks ago and none of the facilities are in place to arrange a delivery properly.

Anyway I spent the whole day in my flat waiting for the delivery. It's the second time this week I've done this and the forth time in all but still it didn't arrive. My flat isn't the most accessible place in the world ever but eventually after ranting at them yesterday I gave them directions and was assured of delivery.

Suffice to say nothing arrived and nothing got done as I was constantly waiting and checking to see if any vehicles had arrived outside. I was so exasperated.

My holiday isn't panning out too well really. Seeing as I couldn't stay with the nuns I reassessed and decided I'd do two day trips on the days when I'm not doing other things. To lose one of those days just made my irritations about the holiday even stronger.

I've got so much to do that it's really not going to turn out to be a break at all. And I can't even shift this cold!

As I said above, ARGH!