A Belated Christmas to All

Categories: scming

Tags: friends

Date: 30 December 2004 01:06:13

I'm running a little behind schedule with things here. I think I might just be able to manage Christmas by June, but now it has gone again for another year so I'll just wish you all a belated happy christmas.

My Christmas has been nowhere near as eventful as Alice's appears to have been (and once again congratulations to her on the birth of Benjamin). I came to visit family and am off to my flat again tomorrow, complete with mother in tow. It's going to be an interesting month - my first full month in the new flat, and not enough money to pay all my bills this month, let alone eat. Oops. I knew the budgeting went a little off last month but... It's more than a little worrying but I'm sure it will all be alright in the end, like this time next year perhaps. It does make me even more thankful for the kindness of those on the Wibsite and in the wider world, especially for furniture and support throughout my several moves in the last year. Thanks again.

Happy new year to you all