Time to get organised

Categories: scming

Tags: w*rk, friends

Date: 19 February 2005 00:15:31

In less than a week the Big Conference will have started and I will be running round like a headless chicken. I'm really looking forward to it and I'm sure it will be fine - in the end. I still have to write worship for the Sunday Morning and I have so many ideas that I don't think I'll have the opportunity to include it all. I have also received some stuff from Alice and Benjamin (it's amazing what a little baby can do...) that's absolutely brilliant. They've made me some reflections for the spiritual space and they are really thought provoking. I would really quite like to go as a delegate too but if it goes well, it will be just nice to know I have been involved in making it happen. It is about the sole focus of my attention at the moment though.

Saying that I had a really lovely day today. I had a day off, entirely to myself. I watched lots of films and generally contemplated not a lot - it was brilliant! Recently I was advised not to spend money on frivilous things e.g. DVD's and music as I'm on a restricted budget. I took this advice literally and only spent the designated birthday money on such things... I ended up with 9 new (to me) DVDs for about £40! I was quite pleased with this. There are a number of useful offers around at the moment. Of the 9 films, there is only one I can't watch as I'm stupidly squeamish. It was the third film in a 3 for 2 offer and the others are quite good really so I'm not too disappointed. I've really enjoyed just chilling out - it feels like it's the first time in ages I've had time to do it. Tomorrow I'm off to a ship meet in the evening which should be good.

This weekend I also want to get my flat sorted as I'll be away on and off for a good length of time in March. I'm going to tour two British countries (having already done a third) and will be coming home on and off throughout this time. I want to make sure that as much as possible is sorted in the flat before I go. I *might* finally get round to writing to the Landlord but can't guarantee it. ;)