Day 6 and 7 - Lakenheath

Categories: uncategorized

Date: 21 October 2003 23:21:43

Ok, I am cheating now!

Day 6 involved travelling to the flattest place on earth!

We had a visit to a little village called St. Ives (where we met a man with seven wives...) and had some cake in a nice little tea room. Then we went to the oldest put in Britian - or so we thought - It turned out to be one of the Oldest Inns in England, not so impressive really, and it looked quite new!

In the evening we, oddly, went onto the RAF base and ate in the American diner there. Really, there was too much food and fizzy drinks, so was left rather bloated - It was nice though, it's just so tempting to eat all you can...

Day 7 was Bury St. Edmonds, which is home to the Smallest pub in Britian, and that was impressive, room for about 8 people sitting, or perhaps 12 standing. They serve 3 beers and a few spirits, it really was very small!