Days 8 and 9 - Cookham

Categories: uncategorized

Date: 22 October 2003 16:27:59

Day 8 involved sitting around in a certain wibloggers house and playing with presents we bought for another certain wiblogger. Then for some reason we tried to make bubbles, and a soapy sort of mess of the carpet.

Yet another wiblogger and a non-wiblogger joined us for a meal later, I ate and drank enough to keep me going for days, thanks very much guys, it was great fun!

The next morning involved going to church while half asleep, although I did rather enjoy it. If you go to the front page of the Wibsite you can see what yoghurt related fun I got up to in the afternoon.

All in all a great, but tiring week. It is harder than you would think to be nice to people all week, but thanks to everyone who made it possible!