A short break...

Categories: uncategorized

Date: 12 August 2004 20:20:02

Just had a nice few days in the South East, First seeing some friends new flat in London, and visiting Hampstead Heath and walking around in circles. Amazing veiws across London, amazing houses overlooking the park, and an amazing hollow tree that you could climb into (not that I did).

Then whizzed down to Hastings for a few days to stay with another friend, we had wonderful weather and we both looked lovely and tanned (although she looked more lovely and tanned than I did, It has to be said!). We spent serveral pounds in the amusement arcades (those blasted 2p machines), spent half a day searching for cans of Pimms (don't ask) and a lot of time watering a newly laid lawn.

Back in Exeter now, but not back to work until Monday, although will have several radio shows to do at the weekend.

Next stop - Greenbelt :)