Five totally random things...

Categories: uncategorized

Date: 26 October 2005 19:37:15

1. Fairly traded Divine after dinner mints. order now in time for Christmas!

2. My favourite Friends episode so far.

And my favourite quote from that episode...

Monica: Oh look, the pool table's free. Rack 'em up. I'll be back in just a minute. Get ready for me to whip your butt.
Chandler: Okay, but after that, we're shootin' some pool.

3. Another of my digital radios has gone wrong, much as I love DAB they really need to build the units better, that's four in one year now.

4. Someone in our car park at work seems incapable of parking. Would the owner of the red 206 please try and park less than 3 feet from the curb, just so that we don't run into your car on the way out. Thanks.

5. Woozy ducks. Andrews blog, my favourite blog to pass 10 minutes at work on a Monday.