Little Miss Sunshine...

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Date: 05 October 2006 10:31:51

... After an all-you-can-eat buffet at Ginos in Exeter (£4.99 at lunchtimes!) we went to see Little Miss Sunshine at the cinema. Although having heard mixed reviews of this film I was still excited to see it, and I was not disapointed. The tone of most of it was just right (it perhaps lost its way for 15 minutes in the middle, but soon bounced back), the humour was dark, but the colours were bright (Yellow van and sunny California scenery) and the pagent at the end is just horrific, but perfectly wraps up the story, which is fun and heartwarming (ok, and perhaps just a litte twee, but I can cope with that).

I sharp contrast I watched an early Hugh Grant film called Train to Hell. Quite possibly the worse film I have ever seen, no plot that makes any sense, unexpained characters, no conciveable motives for anything happening on screen, terrible camera work and messy editing. Oh, and how could I forget the blue smoke drifting outside the train windows? I felt like I had been punched over and over again it hurt so much to watch, thankfully it was only just an hour an 15 minutes long.